Understanding of poverty and methods to measure the number of poor, differ from country to country, depending on living standards. The Sustainable Development goals are key to ensuring that poverty challenges are addressed.
Most Related SDGs
· SDG4 · SDG 5 · SDG 8 · SDG 10
Facts and Figures
· 50% of all people living in poverty are below 18 years of age.
· 1 person in every 10 is extremely poor- living below 1.90$ per day.
· 1 out 5 children live in extreme poverty

Poorest Country in the World: Liberia (GNI per capita: $710)
Richest country in the world: Qatar (GNI per capita of $116,799)
That is almost 165 times more than Liberia!
Best Performing countries in SDG1: No Poverty
Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France, Austria, Germany
Join in
· Buy from local farmers market and support them, they are the most vulnerable to falling into poverty due to climate change impacts like floods/drought.
· Foodstuff that you will probably not finish from your fridge, give to the homeless and needy.
Book Recommendation

By Muhammad Yunus, which gives an insight into social businesses as an alternative to capitalism and free markets- as an instrument to address inequality.