Our planet’s ecosystem is sustained by the life forms that exist on it. Forests cover 30% of the Earth surface and are key in combating climate change.Deforestation, land degradation and loss of biodiversity has resulted in increased threat to life on land and caused stress on natural resources.
Sustainable and ecological management of our forests by involving local communities and encouraging afforestation practices is necessary to achieve Goal 15.
Most related SDGs
· SDG 6 · SDG 13
Facts and Figures
· 23 hectares of forest is lost every minute. That is more than 30 football fields combined.
· 1 million species of animals have already become extinct due to humans. (Source)
· 80% of the human diet comes from plants.

Best Performing Countries in SDG15: Life on Land
Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Burkina Faso
Join in
· Reduce use of paper and recycle used paper. Don’t print anything unless absolutely necessary.
· Support biodiversity conservation projects and protection of wildlife sanctuaries.
· Refrain from indulging into exotic animal tourism, like camel rides in many developing countries. Most of these animals are kept under inhumane conditions.
Book Recommendation

The book captures the power that international cooperation has in preserving our forests and fighting against climate change. If you care about forests, read this. If you don’t, read this to know why you should.
Editor’s Tip: Visit this site to view interactive maps of the forest cover across the world and check live updates on deforestation rates in different countries.