Society Environment Mother of Sustainable Development Since 45 years Gro Harlem Brundtland fights for human rights, climate protection and good health for everyone. the 1987 published report "our common future" is named after her as Brundtland-Report. Today, the 80 year old former Prime Minister of Norway pushes the change together with the elders
Society Social Music for Child Rights: Interview with Herman van Veen The Dutch singer, violinist, poet and storyteller Herman van Veen has been raising his voice for over 50 years for the rights of children and is their authentic defender. In this interview, we talked to him about the SDGs and child rights.
Gesellschaft Soziales Ökologie „Wir dürfen mit der Lösung der einen Krise nicht andere verschärfen“ Das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) steht eher selten im Rampenlicht. Dabei werden hier wichtige Weichen auch für den Klimaschutz gestellt. Ministerin Svenja Schulze über Gerechtigkeit, starke Frauen und Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe
Economy Social Business Sense or Corporate Purpose- Good to know where to go Corporate purpose means business sense. We asked business coach Vanessa Cox why it is important for a company to have a purpose, especially in times of crisis, and what role executives play in this.