The 1st of May, worldwide celebrated as the International Workers' Day, is also known as Labour Day or May Day in many countries. Interestingly, 'Mayday' is also an international distress call, which originated from the French word m'aider, meaning “help me." Indeed, the world is calling for help due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, and while death tolls are still on the rise, nations are gradually lifting lock-downs and making attempts to return back to normalcy.
May Day is a celebration of labourers and the working classes, and their struggles and persistence for centuries, and is celebrated with marches, parades and various events around the world. While the traditional celebrations are on hold this year, 17GoalsMagazin brings to you three events that you can attend from the comforts of your living room, and yet participate in solidarity to the spirit of labour movements and rights.
1) An online lecture from Com.K.Hemlata, the first National level woman leader in the history of trade unions movement in India.
2) And if you are feeling more active, see if you want to get involved in a Climathon from the Yes Energy Europe Network and solve climate change issues for a fairer world for our workers! More details here.
3) Or if you are in the mood for some special food on May Day, tune into a video call from the New York Times Greenhouse series on May 1st, to follow chefs Marcus Samuelsson and Matthew Orlando on how to cook creatively and sustainably. RSVP here!