Hurray! At last it's time to start again - at least tentatively - with events of the month! Most of the people are back from vacation and full of energy. Of course, the events are still taking place digitally, but there are several options to choose from, and all quite interesting!
- 7-13 September 2020: The 2020 edition of the Virtual Island Summit will focus on the theme, 'Sharing knowledge for resilient, sustainable and prosperous islands worldwide'.
- 8 September 2020: There will be a high-level virtual launch of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report titled, 'Sustainable Ocean for All: Harnessing the benefits of sustainable ocean economies for developing countries'.
- 9 – 10 September 2020: The Red Cross and Red Crescent will be running Climate: Red a fully virtual climate change summit. More than 200 sessions and esteemed panellists will speak on the future of climate and role of the Red Cross movement.
- 18-26 September 2020: Global Goals Week is a series of events organised by civil society, business, academia and the UN system to push action on the 17 SDGs.
- 30 September – 2 October 2020: The 2020 edition of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns which was supposed to take place online, will now be held virtually. It will capture local efforts needed from the local government for sustainable development in Europe.