Europe is going into lockdown again, and most events and programs for the last two months of the year have been cancelled. But we have curated some of the events that could be attended virtually from the comfort of our homes, keeping safe distance and yet having a good time and engaging with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
1) 6th November, 2020: Even more than gold and petroleum, the value of data has been skyrocketing. The Virtual Panel on "Challenges and approaches to data sharing: The future of open data” will discuss approaches to open data and analysis of available data for sustainable development. Organised by the as part of the Geo Week 2020, it will include experiences from GEO Initiatives and Flagships. Register here.
Interesting Fact: 6th November is also the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict 2020
2) 10th November, 2020: On the 10th of November, the Business Ambition for 1.5°C: Inspiring Industry Action conference is being organised as part of the Race to Zero dialogues for stakeholders from corporate sectors, academia, civil society and the government, to discuss how industry action can push governments to adopt more ambitious policies. Industries, which are one of the highest ranking sectors in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, will require significant transformations to achieve the climate protection targets for 2050. Thus, the event is going to be highly interesting, relevant and topical! Register here.

3) 16-18th November, 2020: The 9th Annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, to be organised on Nov 16, 2020-Nov 18, 2020, is aimed to create a dialogue on the need to prevent harm to the planet resulting from business activities as well as the prevention of business-related human rights abuses to people involved. The event is open and free for all participants, and can be registered here.
4) 19th November, 2020: The World Toilet Day is celebrated on 19th November every year. And this year it is all the more important to talk about access to safe and clean toilets, since the pandemic has made it difficult for many poor communities to keep using the public toilets, and there is an urgent need to provide such people with toilets. This year, the UN toilet day theme focusses on "Sustainable sanitation and climate change." You can get involved by learning how toilets affects our climate and our health, and spread the word among friends and family!

5) 25th November, 2020: Marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the UN System’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence activities, will start from 25 November to 10 December. The global theme for 2020 is: "Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!" Take part in the campaign this year by:
- Wear the colour orange on 25th November, put up an “orange” poster or flag outside your window, share posts with the tag: "Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!" on online spaces such as the websites, e-signatures and social media accounts.
- Educate yourself about the causes and consequences of violence against women and girls, support women's sports, watch documentaries by female directors and support women whenever you can – in public spaces, work places, or even in your own homes and families.

Do you know of any upcoming event in November that is interesting and relevant to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals? Drop a comment below and we will add it to our list!
Header Picture: Marvin Meyer, Unsplash