In order to inspire committed bloggers around sustainability issues, we are spreading their important work even more widely – because only together can we achieve the goals and inspire even more people to live sustainably. For the first two months of 2021, we have again selected the top 5 blog posts related to sustainability and the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDG 12 and SDG 13
A somewhat different look at 2020: We like the blog post "25 good things in 2020" on the website by Jana, Nina and Vreni, mostly because it points out many positive developments in this difficult year in which the news has been consistently negative. Great piece of research – bravo!

SDG 1 and SDG 10
In her blog, blogger Sabrina has published the very exciting post "The Potential of Unconditional Basic Income". Sabrina is a trainer and coach for non-violent communication and shows the utopias and dystopias of the unconditional basic income and questions many things that seem absolutely right at first glance. Very informative and worth reading!

SDG 12
- Based on data from the organisation Become-A-Ware, sustainability blogger Marie from FAIRKNALLT has an appeal to everyone to double and triple check what you really want to order in her latest post "What happens to fashion returns".

- Another one related to SDG 12, Elisabeth from, in her blogpost "These are the mistakes you're sure to make when recycling glass" explains what mistakes Germans are generally prone to making while sending glass articles for recycling. While Germans may be world champions in waste separation, there is always so much to learn on this topic! By the way, for all Berliners and visitors to Berlin, we recommend Elisabeth's book "Berlin nachhaltig" (Berlin Sustainable).
SDG 12 and SDG 15
In the blogpost "Toxic Masculinity: Real Guys Eat Meat" on Anina's blog, guest author Chris puts an end to clichés and prejudices and talks about how many colleagues now approach him – he is vegan – and ask how it works. For sure after reading this, you would know: vegan lifestyle is not a question of gender!
Our selection criteria for the best Blogs
- Which SDG is picked up thematically in the contribution?
- What is the impact of the contribution?
- Does it show ways in which readers can become active themselves?
- How creative is the contribution and how relevant is it?
- How practical is the topic?
- And of course, a good writing style earns the extra brownie points!
PS: If you find the articles are only in German with no English version, make sure to use the Google translate option for these pages, because you definitely don't want to miss them!
Header image: © Edward Hooper, Unsplash