In order to inspire talented, dedicated bloggers, we are spreading their important work even more widely - because only together can we achieve the 17 UN goals and inspire even more people to live a sustainable life. Here we present the top 5 blog posts for September and October!

- SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production: In her blog Schrift und Herz, Julia presents the important topic of sustainable investment in her article Investing money and sustainability - the 1 x 1. "Let's take our money in hand and make sure that we are not only independent, self-reliant and smart, but also increase our money in the long term," she says. This is a highly relevant issue, because investing money is a great lever for change.

- SDG3 Good Health and Well being: In the blog post "News consumption damages my health," Lisa reflects on the topic of (mental) health. A pleasant contribution in these times when we should simply take a short break from all the negative headlines from all over the world. In her blog I live green, Lisa manages to present an exciting mix of practical instructions for sustainable living and her own reflection on these topics.

- SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production: An exciting contribution from Dina's blog richkind is her observation on the topic of life changes and role model function. A nice thematic derivation, which inspires and shows how our own behavioural changes can affect our own social network (in real life!).
"You no longer ride a bike just for yourself and your well-being, you no longer live a minimalist life just for yourself, you no longer prefer a vegan diet just for yourself. You do something for the common good every day."

- SDG4 Quality Education: In Linda's blog School rethinking, we found this great blog post: "Don't be such a baby!" - about nasty sentences and victim blaming. In it, the Hamburg teacher (and author) talks about her observations in everyday school life and about how supposedly harmless sentences can hurt quite a lot. This is a special article, because it is based on a deep knowledge of how schools work together, and it makes you think about many a sentence that has been said carelessly.

- SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production: Since travelling has become more and more difficult in times of Corona, we especially like the latest blog post in the blog Reisefeder, called as "Fårö, Gotland's little wild sister." Anke's travel article makes you want to travel in a sustainable way: on foot, by bike and by ferry. Into nature and with nature. And to enjoy the simplicity and beauty of it all.
Our selection criteria: While we have revised our strategy from this month to select Top 5 best Blog-posts instead of several nominees, our selection criteria remains the same:
- Which SDG is picked up thematically in the contribution?
- What is the impact of the contribution?
- Does it show ways in which readers can become active themselves?
- How creative is the contribution and how relevant is it?
- How practical is the topic?
- And of course, a good writing style earns the extra brownie points!
PS: If you find the articles are only in German with no English version, make sure to use the Google translate option for these pages, because you definitely don't want to miss them!