Ökologie Gesellschaft Soziales Gekommen, um zu bleiben Bei einigen Menschen erwächst aus ihrem Besuch in der Ferne und ihrer Faszination für Land und Leute etwas mehr: Sie bringen sich nachhaltig in die jeweilige Region ein. Wir stellen drei Menschen vor, die zeigen, wie weit die Reiselust gehen kann
Environment Economy Digital Transformation Sustainable Photography – Time to Take a Look! More and more companies are aligning their actions with sustainability. There is also noticeable change in the creative industry. But what can sustainable business models for creatives look like? We spoke to freelance photographer Simon Veith, who made sustainable photography his profession in 2016.
Society Environment Mother of Sustainable Development Since 45 years Gro Harlem Brundtland fights for human rights, climate protection and good health for everyone. the 1987 published report "our common future" is named after her as Brundtland-Report. Today, the 80 year old former Prime Minister of Norway pushes the change together with the elders
Society Social Digital Transformation Leadership in the 21st century: Connecting is key Our guest authors Julia Juergens and Irina Naithani, founders and experts in leadership development and sustainability, help leaders to approach the challenges of our planet with awareness and responsibility. But where is the best place to start?
Society Social Music for Child Rights: Interview with Herman van Veen The Dutch singer, violinist, poet and storyteller Herman van Veen has been raising his voice for over 50 years for the rights of children and is their authentic defender. In this interview, we talked to him about the SDGs and child rights.
Environment Social Digital Transformation The Smog Free Tower: Less CO2 in the city With a giant vacuum cleaner tower, the Dutch inventor Daan Roosegaarde removes smog particles from the air and turns them into small jewels. And creates clean air where there is none.
Soziales Gesellschaft Mehr Licht in dunklen Lieferketten Das Sozialunternehmen FRDM (gesprochen: Freedom) klärt über Zwangsarbeit in weltweiten Lieferketten auf. Gründer Justin Dillon ist sicher: Das Wissen zeigt Wirkung. Für die Nutznießer von Ausbeutung wird es schwerer, unsichtbar zu bleiben
Gesellschaft Soziales Wirtschaft Botschafterin für weibliches Unternehmertum Seit über zehn Jahren setzt sich die Sozialunternehmerin Andrea Bury mit ihrer ABURY Foundation dafür ein, Frauen in anderen Ländern zu stärken. Ihr Weg: Zusammenarbeit
Social Environment Society Rolf Stahlhofen's pursuit for Human Rights and Water Rolf Stahlhofen, singer of the Söhne Mannheims, learned the value of water as a child. Spending his childhood in different African countries, he was convinced at an early age: "When I grow up, I want to be committed to clean drinking water".
Environment Social Society Mina's Water Marathon The Australian Mina Guli draws attention to the problem of worldwide water shortage with her spectacular runs that has now turned into a global movement
Economy Environment Society Digital Transformation Decoding the Code of Africa Instead of making headlines for acute droughts, food crisis or malnourished children, African countries like Rwanda and Kenya are now coming to the spotlight as technical hubs for European companies. And Code of Africa acts as the modern-day enabler, bridging gaps between Europe and Africa
Society Environment Making music for a purpose: "Listentojules" sets the trend Singer-songwriter Julia Nagele alias "Listentojules," from Mannheim, believes that music can change the world for the better, as she speaks of her new singles „Tree Song“ and the protest Song „Kaleidoscope“
Society Economy The branding of global crises - How striking pictures move the world From climate change to COVID-19 - pictures influence our reactions to global crises. Greta Thunberg, for example, defined climate change as a brand, and the pictures of the COVID-19 pandemic remain unforgotten. Guest author Philipp Loeken explains what powerful pictures can mean for a better future
Social Society Digital Transformation The Time Capsule: Hoping for a Sustainable future The Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre in the Netherlands have come up with an innovative idea of making a Time Capsule that contains letters, pictures, items from all over the world. The capsule is set to be locked at the end of 2020, only to be opened 30 years later.
Digital Transformation Environment Economy Global Goals and the new perspective on inequality Inequality seen through the lens of a drone - photographer Johnny Miller from Cape Town observes huge gaps between rich and poor everyday. With his work he contributes to the Global Goals and inequality. The aesthetic of his pictures at first glance exposes the perfidiousness of the scenes
Society Social How Indian Curries in Germany are helping higher education It is well known that Indian food is one of the most popular cuisines in the world. The Collegecurries initiative goes a step ahead and brings traditional Indian curry powder mixes to German kitchens and contributes to higher education in India.
Social Society Environment Digital Transformation Amplifying engagement – ProjectTogether and the SDGs With new approaches, the team from ProjectTogether in Berlin and its partners tackle social challenges and contribute to achieving sustainability goals
Environment Social Society Hamburg's Swaantje Güntzel uses Art for Sustainability Sustainable topics are now becoming more and more visible in art. Swaantje Güntzel, the artist from Hamburg, has been using art for more than ten years to spread awareness on plastics and pollution
Environment Social Energy Observer's Catamaran- driven by renewables! With the first-ever emission-less floating lab powered entirely by renewables, the two Frenchmen have travelled across the Atlantic. Their goal: latest Researching energy technologies and being completely self-sufficient
Social Society Environment Generation Z creates differently - the personal account of a young social entrepreneur Social entrepreneurs are getting younger and younger, but are mainly male. That's reason enough to hear from young women like Anastasia Barner on what drives them to tackle social problems with their business models. A guest commentary on seventeen goals magazin
Environment Social Society Economy Hartmut Kiewert - Questioning the Status Quo The Leipzig based painter Hartmut Kiewert shows in disconcertingly beautiful paintings his very own idea of the future, in which humans and animals live together in perfect harmony
Environment Society Social The Trash Pirates of India Mobilising community action is the most effective way for managing waste! This was the key learning for Katleen Schneider, who volunteered thousand miles away from her home in Germany at the tiny Neil Island of India, an island even smaller than half the size of Frankfurt Airport
Society Environment Cycling our way into the Future What took years until now, suddenly came up within days! Yes, we are talking about the Pop-up Bike Lanes in Berlin. Thanks to the Changing Cities Initiative and Berlin Senate, these lanes are now letting people maintain social distancing and safety
Social Society Environment Owning the SDGs Incredible solutions get created around the world every day. But these often remain in silos which act as hurdles in achieving the SDGs. "Why not open up and collaborate?" asks Nadim Choucair, the Germany Coordinator for Global Goals Jam.
Environment Society Social "We are walking museums of biodiversity" We humans are not an isolated species. Each of us carry a universe of biodiversity within us. And caring for this biodiversity inside is the only path towards preserving the nature outside, emphasises Indian environmentalist Vandana Shiva during her interview in Berlin